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The final FLOW conference

Since 2018, an interdisciplinary research team of science and social science/humanities scholars has explored the effect of immigration on the developed North European welfare states and the possibilities for improving both the socioeconomic and the sociocultural integration of immigrants. A special emphasis has been on the consequences of climate changes for future migration flows. We invite stakeholders, professionals and scholars to discuss our results regarding managing migration flows and the ways in which the socioeconomic and sociocultural integration of immigrants may be improved in developed welfare states!

How can the welfare state handle challenges concerning migration?

Aalborg University specializes in migration as a strategic research area. The university funded the project “Global flows of migrations and their impact on North European welfare states (FLOW)”, 2018 – 2021, with 1.2 million euros. The FLOW team consists of an interdisciplinary group of political scientists, sociologists, geographers, historians and education scientists, coordinated by Professor Christian Albrekt Larsen. Since the FLOW project start in 2018, we have analysed migrant flows into Northern Europe with a special emphasis on climate changes, patterns of socioeconomic and sociocultural integration and practices within education and labour-market policies.  

The FLOW project team have special expertise on migration issues in the Nordic context, especially in a Danish context. The members have unique access to and experience with Danish register and survey data on migration issues. All members of the FLOW project embrace the interdisciplinary approach – a hallmark of Aalborg University.


Insights from Three Years of Interdisciplinary Research in Migration and the Welfare State 
Christian Albrekt Larsen

Global Cross-border Mobilities and the Nordic Welfare State
Pauli Kettunen

Nordic Lessons from Managing Migration
Grete Brochmann

Immigration, Crises, and the Populist Right: From Class Solidarity to Cultural Solidarity
Ferruh Yilmaz

Talk with the minister

Indvandringspolitik og fremtiden for den nordiske velfærdstat. Problemer og muligheder i de socialdemokratiske visioner.
[The future of the Nordic welfare state and migrant politics – problems and possibilities in the Social Democratic visions].

Minister for Immigration and Integration Mattias Tesfaye in discussion with professor and expert in welfare state politics Jørgen Goul Andersen.

Seminar sessions on FLOW results

Presentation and discussion of findings in dialogue with scholars in the research fields who participate with responding papers which also present their own research. Also stakeholders from relevant organisations with an academic background could be an option, e.g. as commentators of results.

Panel 1: Understanding current and future flow of immigrants into Northern Europe.
Organized by Carsten Kessler & Lanciné Diop-Christensen

Panel 2: Northern European public debates and opinions towards migration and integration.
Organized by Troels Fage Hedegaard & Mette Buchardt

Panel 3: The labour market integration of immigrants and the discursive construction of migrant workers in Denmark.
Organized by Thomas Bredgaard & Trine Lund Thomsen

Panel 4: Frontlines of socio-cultural integration of immigrants in the Nordics: Early integration efforts.
Organized by Karen Nielsen Breidahl & Nanna Ramsing Enemark

Panel 5: Educational integration and roads to the labour market in Denmark
Organized by Jin Hui Li & Rasmus Lind Ravn

Panel 6: Narratives about migration and the future cohesion of the welfare state.
Organized by Martin Bak Jørgensen & Kristian Kriegbaum Jensen

MIX – Centre for Displacement, Migration and Integration Studies

Opening of the new Migration and Integration Center at Aalborg University.

Advantages and disadvantages of interdisciplinary research.
Rector of Aalborg University Per Michael Johansen

Future research on immigration, displacement and integration at Aalborg University.
Kristian Kriegbaum

Time schedule

Thursday 4 November 2021

12.00 - 12.15 Opening by Mette Buchardt
12.15 - 13.00 Keynote 1
Christian Albrekt Larsen: “Insights from Three Years of Interdisciplinary Research in Migration and the Welfare State”
13.15 - 13.30 Break
13.30 - 14.30 Panel 1 & Panel 2 (parallel sessions)
14.30 - 14.45 Break
14.45 - 16.15 Panel 3 & 4 (parallel sessions)
16.15 - 16.30 Break
16.30 - 17.30 Keynote 2
Pauli Kettunen: “Global Cross-border Mobilities and the Nordic Welfare State"

Friday 5 November 2021

10.00 - 11.00 Keynote 3
Grete Brochmann: “Nordic Lessons from Managing Migration”
11.00 - 11.15 Break
11.15 - 12.15 Keynote 4
Ferruh Yilmaz: “Immigration, Crises, and the Populist Right: From Class Solidarity to Cultural Solidarity” 
12.15 - 12.45 Lunch
12.45 - 14.00 Panel 5 & 6 (parallel sessions)
14.00 - 14.15 Break
14.15 - 15.00 Talk with the Minister
15.00 - 15.30 Official opening of the new research centre followed by a light reception


Plenary speakers

Pauli Kettunen
Professor Emeritus of Political History in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki. His research interests include nationalism and globalization, labour history and social movements, Nordic welfare states and working-life institutions, education politics, and the conceptual history of politics.

► Profile

Grete Brochmann
Professor at the University of Oslo - Department of Sociology and Human Geography. Her main research field is international migration, European immigration policy, comparative integration policies in welfare states and in the Nordic region as well as historical studies of immigration to Norway. She chaired the Norwegian Welfare and Migration Committee, the so-called Brochmann Committee.

► Profile

Ferruh Yilmaz
Associate professor at the Tulane University, Department of Communication. His main research interests include immigration, the social and political landscapes in Europe-focus on Denmark, discourse analysis and culturalization of discourse, media and political change.

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Christian Albrekt Larsen
Professor at Aalborg University, Centre for Comparative Welfare Studies at the Department of Politics and Society (CCWS). His research fields include “the Nordic model”, welfare societies with open economies and multicultural settings, national identity and migrants, politics of welfare reforms, migration and assimilation in Northern Europe.

► Profile

Jørgen Goul Andersen
Professor at Aalborg University, Centre for Comparative Welfare Studies at the Department of Politics and Society. His research interests include Nordic welfare states, labour markets, welfare policies and citizenship, nationalism, economic policy and Danish politics in general.

► Profile

Mattias Tesfaye
Minister for Immigration and Integration. Member of the Folketing for The Social Democratic Party in Greater Copenhagen greater constituency from June 18th 2015.
Candidate for The Social Democratic Party in Brøndby nomination district from 2014.

► Profile


The Global flows of migrations and their impact on North European welfare states (FLOW) project, Aalborg University.


Aalborg University, Copenhagen Campus, A.C Meyers Vænge 15.