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Confirmed keynote speaker: Barbara Reed, Recordkeeping Innovation Pty Ltd

Barbara Reed is a Director and principal consultant of Recordkeeping Innovation Pty Ltd. Barbara has consulted in the records, archives and information industries for over 25 years to clients in private industry, all tiers of government and non profit organisations, both in Australia and overseas, particularly in the Asia Pacific region. Recognised as a records continuum advocate and practitioner, special areas of interest include digital recordkeeping strategies, recordkeeping metadata and standards development for whole of government initiatives.

Barbara is the Head of the Australian Delegation to TC 46 SC11 responsible for the development of the ISO 15489 in records management and Chairs IT21, Standards Australia's Committee on Records Management.  She has acted as an advisor to a number of projects which have included the NSW Government’s ICT Advisory Board and its Enabling Information Sharing Working Group, MoReq 2010 and is a founding member of The Recordkeeping Roundtable.

She conducts training and professional development courses in records and archives in Australasia. Previously a Senior Lecturer at Monash University, she has taught archives and records to post graduate students at University of Canberra and University of NSW. She maintains a research connection with Monash University through projects on topics such as electronic health records, recordkeeping metadata and rethinking archives and records systems to appropriately enable co-creation and democratisation of controls. She is formally an Affiliate of the Centre of Social and Informatics, Faculty of IT, Monash University.

Barbara has published widely in archives, records and information management journals both locally and nationally. She is a Fellow of both the Australian Society of Archivists and the Records and Information Management Professionals Australasia.

The conference is financially supported by the Independent Research Fund Denmark