AAU's objectives for quality assurance and development of education and teaching
Aalborg University’s quality assurance system ensures that the work relating to quality assurance and to the quality development of the University’s study programmes will result in the fulfilment of the objectives described in the University’s quality assurance policy within the area of education.

More specifically, the university's system for quality assurance and development aims to:
- Ensure that the university lives up to international standards for quality in the programmes.
- Ensure continuous and systematic quality development of the university's programmes.
- Ensure continuous quality in teaching on the university's programmes.
- Contribute to the graduates obtaining qualifications and finding employment within the subject areas that are in demand by the labor market.
- Ensure a clear managerial anchoring of the quality work at all levels in the organisation.
- Strengthen and integrate the university's evaluation and quality culture across all levels and units in the organisation.
Organization of the quality assurance at the Department:
Principles for starting studies
Pedagogical competence development
Evaluation with students
- Question guide for discussion in qualitative evaluation with students
- Report template for qualitative evaluation
- Workflow for evaluation of study activities and education courses
- Workflow for evaluation of study activities and education courses - The Master in Public Governance
- Workflow for evaluation of study environment
The development of the physical study environment takes place in close collaboration across the Department's study boards, which partly process the students' evaluations and wishes, and partly discuss the prioritization of the wishes that have emerged. The prioritization of requests is then discussed in the Department Council, which nominates requests for improvements for processing, partly internally, partly under the auspices of Campus Service.