A scholarly perspective on the postcoloniality of migration and displacement seeks to unravel those framings by studying their multiple histories, how they are related to the colonial encounter, including how processes of dehistoricization function as a form of racial expression. The prefix “post” in postcoloniality does not mean that the effects of colonialism belong to the past, but rather that the effects of the colonial encounter and slave trades are still ongoing, shaping how we relate to a multitude of issues, including displacement and refugee politics, political economy and social hierarchies including, but not limited to, relations of race, gender, and class. The perspective strives for a critical problematization of the present by detailing the colonial encounter´s doubly constitutive role: for the places, peoples and culture colonized and enslaved, and for the colonizing societies and their metropoles, peoples, and understandings of displacement, humanism and modernity.